Idaho Jeopardy
I am learning the history and geography of Idaho now that I am a resident of this great State, and it is my home. I thought that I would share with you each month some of the fun facts and stories that I have learned (which you may or may not know yourselves) and that you can in turn share with one another over coffee.
1. What is Idaho’s state bird?
2. What is Idaho’s state horse?
3. What is Idaho’s state fish?
4. What is Idaho’s state gem?
5. What is Idaho’s state tree?
6. What is Idaho’s state insect?
(Answers: 1. The mountain bluebird; 2. The Appaloosa; 3. The cutthroat trout; 4. The star garnet; 5. The western white pine; 6. The monarch butterfly.) (Thank you to Bruce , Kristin, and Macy Winder for this wonderful book and Christmas gift of: Idaho Jeopardy! Answers and Questions About Our State” by Carole Marsh, copyright 2001, Gallopade International, page .)